Tag: Melbourne

The Humble Tumbler – Whiskey The Water Of Life

I gave up the gym for three weeks of whiskey masterclasses. The Humble Tumbler have been running its food and beverage master classes for the past two years and is the brainchild of Clare Burder. The Melbourne-based company runs out of…

Perching at the Birdcage at the 2014 Melbourne Cup

I couldn’t believe my luck when I walked into the rarefied world of the Birdcage at the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday. Four years ago, I was with the rest of the hoi polloi — this year I got to visit…

British Film Festival 2014 – The Plus Ones’ Guide

The British Film Festival is upon us! Like every year, the selection is just remarkable. From high teas to movies with the Beatles, there’s something for all tastes. But what stands out the most are the new films coming out of the…

Melbourne Music Week – The Plus Ones’ Guide

Melbourne Music Week (MMW) is coming! This year there will be 110 events taking place from 14-23 November across 40 different locations. I have very fond memories of MMW, in particular, the enormous effort that goes into creating its Festival…

October’s Best Melbourne Events

Smartbar – There is a certain pleasure to be had through learning and drinking (reminds me of my university days). Your ticket gains you entry to the normal exhibition, the secret garden behind the Museum (I love, love finding new…

Oktoberfest At Birrarung Mar

I have a lot of German friends who normally scoff at the thought of an Oktoberfest party outside of Germany. Melbourne had its fair share this year with the big three (Hofbrauhaus, Munich Brauhaus and Hophaus) all running a stream…

Stoneleigh Metro – Opening Night

To write for The Plus Ones inevitably becomes a practice in downing large quantities of wine. This is not because wine is needed to find inspiration for writing — although one thing usually leads to another — but rather because one…


I hadn’t been to an event organised by the Realityworks team before but I had heard good things. The team has organised festivals around Melbourne for the last 15 years and like many event organisers pondered about what next… The answer…

Williamstown Wine & Cheese Festival

On a sunlit Sunday morning two PlusOnes cycled from Brunswick to Williamstown where its first Wine & Cheese Festival was held on October 12th. It is true that Melbourne cherishes its European roots and this festival underscored that given once…