
February’s ARTBAR with Anney Bounpraseuth; ‘Present Paradise’

I always look forward to the last Friday of every month. MCA’s ARTBAR is the only way to end the month in a creative way. It’s a night of performance, art and music – and each month brings a new theme to explore.

Anney Bounpraseuth for MCA’s monthly Artbar graced us with the theme ‘Present Paradise’ – a celebration of self-determination, unconditional love, community spirit and inner creativity.


Anney Bounpraseuth’s art practice displays aspects of belief, yet demonstrates our own meaning in life. There was a Godless tambourine gospel featuring a dancer who had choreographed her movements to a perfect drum rhythm. Viewing this act from the level above brought the whole art gallery to life.

There was a photo booth with raw chicken angel wings and I even attended a deathless funeral for a loss of socks.


Bounpraseuth’s theme comes from mindfulness, being in the present, belonging and spirituality without religion.

I loved wandering past the many displays and interactive sections that Bounpraseuth had put her ideas into creating. We saw life drawings being created from various participants and fig leaf tassel brooches being made. We also gained access to the various gallery spaces that were open throughout the night. I loved exploring all the displays that were happening around the MCA.

My plus one and I ended the night on a high, sipping on champagne over what I believe is one of the best views in Sydney. The DJ for the night set the tunes superbly, leaving us dancing our way out.

I can’t wait for the next one. See you there!

When she’s not globetrotting, Caitlin Martin loves to scope out Sydney’s hidden gems, with a camera and coffee in hand. Follow her adventures @caitlineliseeee

ARTBAR runs the last Friday of the month at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Sign up on the mailing list or Facebook to stay in the know.
The venue is accessible.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of MCA.
Image credit: MCA.