Category: slider

The What’s What of September 2016

September! Spring is in the air and we all start frantically asking ourselves ‘where has the time flown? Just yesterday it was May!’ Before we know it we’ll be fighting the hordes for Christmas bargains! But for now, let’s enjoy…

A Fan’s Notes vegan degustation

$40 for a five-course degustation sounds too good to be true. A Fan’s Notes has proven otherwise with a degustation rivalling those of its more expensive competitors. The degustation menu is offered weekly on Friday and Saturday nights and alternates…

Vin Diemen: Showcasing Tasmania’s Fine Wines  

The best food and wine from Van Diemen’s land is front and centre at Vin Diemen 2016. The event previously known as ‘Tasmania Unbottled’ is back in Melbourne, bringing some of Tasmania’s finest wines to the mainland for a one-day…

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

The terrifying thing about watching The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui is that you suddenly understand how terrible things (such as the Holocaust) happened through a chain of seamless and ordinary events. In a perfect allegory, Bertolt Brecht wrote a…

Boozy Brunch #12 brings Dutchess to the boozy masses

For many, it’s a Sunday sesh. For others, it’s an excuse to prink oneself to the nines. For me, Boozy Brunch is about learning. Whether it was skilfully negotiating expected versus realistic alcohol limits or improving how to optimise table…

Prisonbreak and Biohazard Escape Rooms at Trapt

On a dark, damp night we descended below the streets of the CBD to enter a world of prisoners and biohazards. Trapt runs escape rooms packed with puzzles to challenge your brain and encourage cooperation. The escape rooms are interactive…

‘The Beast’ with Eddie Perfect

Yes! My theatre stars aligned last night and I got to go and watch ‘The Beast‘ at the Comedy Theatre in Melbourne. I had heard a lot of good things about this production, written by and starring Eddie Perfect, and…

Rolling Stone Live Lodge Preview

Rolling Stone are bringing their Live Lodge back to Melbourne once more, with three weeks of musical joy at the Workers Club in Fitzroy, kicking off at the end of September. Here are our top picks of their epic live shows…

Spring Cocktail Menu at Eau de Vie

With more bartending awards than almost all other Australian bars, it is little wonder Eau-de-Vie remains one of the hottest bars in town many years after opening. Looking for a fresh challenge, the team has devised a fresh new Spring…

Alliance Française Classic Film Festival – The Plus Ones’ Guide

Coming from the birthplace of cinema, the people of France know a thing or two about movies. That’s why the Alliance Française Classic Film Festival is an absolute must for dedicated cinephiles, film lovers and Francophiles alike. Running in Sydney…