FOMA; celebrating diversity in Australian fashion

The bold, the fabulous and those ready to see more than size zero models in trouser suits on the catwalk, were out in force on Friday night to see FOMA – Fashions of Multicultural Australia (for those without one eye on sartorial affairs) at The Cutaway, Barangaroo. On arrival, I was hit by it being fair to say that Western culture needs to take a good hard look at itself where formal dress codes are concerned… with every national dress on show from India, Korea to Chile and beyond, I certainly arrived feeling like my LBD can hardly compare with the finesse and elegance of our international friends… but hey, I also don’t have a glowing exotic complexion and a defined brow so striking you actually stop and stare at my beauty, so maybe it is more than just the clothes..?! I am looking at you, stunning Arabic women so effortlessly chic I am not sure we should even be in the same room…

That said, with bubbles in hand and the excitement that only comes with a runway show ahead, my friend and I perused the exotic stalls showcasing a selection of international accessories, glorious foods and jewellery which I have lusted over ever since, before taking our seats on the third row (not bitter about the FROW, I promise..) to get ready for the global extravaganza upon us. MC’d by Jeremy Fernandez, ABC news presenter and Charlotte Smith, Global Icon and Director of her namesake Fashion Collection, hearts were racing even before the segment started at the impressive 60 metre runway – the longest in Australia (or possibly the world; I was three champagnes in at this point but it was impressive either way)

With looks in Segment 1 from Victoria Alonso representing the Embassy of Chile, and Sav Lavin representing Indonesia’s finest, we were soon in the swing of the diversity to follow. Korea’s gift came in the form of an outstanding drums performance (not the type your 8 year old will make you suffer) and we were all ready to take our seats and see what the Segment 2 looks had to throw our way. Among my favourites were Charlotte Smith’s collection (well you’d hope she’d be on the money..) and the delights from Aida Guirguis of Egypt who proved to me that the country I have visited many times in my younger years, looks to have one (fully enclosed) shoe firmly in the door of high level fashion in 2019.

What did we take from the evening? That clothes look simply wonderful on girls of all shapes and sizes. And next time I am coming in my Hanbok (look it up!)