An extra sweet evening – CSR Sugar redefined

At well-known Aussie brand CSR’s specialty event, a spoonful of sugar made just about everything go down.

It was an interactive evening featuring 6 different food “installations”— designed to demonstrate the utility of the company’s innovative new range.

Various specialty sugars were incorporated in to artfully curated sweet and savoury canapé dishes, my favourite of which was the Ocean Trout with mandarine and a hint of sugar — delightful!

Another food station served up Sago Mango Pudding, traditionally an asian dessert, this time infused with the unique taste of coconut sugar. CSR’s new icing mixes (in flavours vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry) were all set-up for guests to do DIY piping on assorted friands.

We spent the evening working through CSR’s spread of unbelievably creative bite-sized delights – including scallops, oysters, olives, falafel and lamb tasters, all with a modest touch of sweetness, but none of which were overwhelmingly sugary.

Espresso Martinis lined the bar, served in traditional inverted triangle glasses — but with dark Muscovado Sugar around the rim. This carried beautifully robust notes of bittersweet toffee and treacle.

The highlight of the evening was the mouth-watering baking demonstrations brought to us by Black Star Pastry Chef, Christopher Thé (yes, the man behind the infamous Watermelon Cake). Chris revealed his passion for pastries, taking us through the methodology behind his traditional, and modern take on Apple Strudel — and how to make it at home using CSR’s sugar range.

With their official hashtag #bakingnation, the longstanding Aussie company continue to offer wonderful ways to stay warm this winter — with top dessert recipes, dishes, and delights on their website. CSR are in the business of “refinery”, and there’s no denying they’ve definitely refined their line.

Their delicious aforementioned icing mixes will be on supermarket shelves from early August 2018, and I’m especially excited for the release of their new Lite Reduced Calorie Sugar — which will mean I can finally have my cake, and eat it too!

– Jill
Jill is a Sydney-based journalist with a love of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Follow her on Instagram.

For more info about CSR’s innovative new sugar range, visit their Website. It’s pretty sweet.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Thrive PR.