Tag: Oktoberfest

Burnley Brewing’s Bavarian Bierfest

Grab a stein and BYO lederhosen. For the next 24 days Burnley Brewing is celebrating the beloved German beer drinking tradition of Oktoberfest. The team has strong ties to Germany – head brewer Michael Stanzel spent six years in Germany…

Oktoberfest in The Gardens

All the lederhosen in Melbourne at Oktoberfest in the Gardens

Oktoberfest in the Gardens was an eye opening experience to the number of people in Melbourne that own lederhosen and dirndl dresses. (Hint: that number is in the thousands.) With an affinity for short shorts and short skirts, this event…

Contortion, chaos, and camaraderie at Schnitzel ‘n Tits

This year I celebrated Oktoberfest in an unconventional manner – gorging myself on schnitzel whilst gazing at Melbourne’s beautiful barmaids at the Colonial Hotel’s Schnitzel ‘n Tits celebration. I invited my best lesbian stripper friend to accompany me on what turned…

Best of October: monthly roundup

Melbourne is so jam-packed with events that we can barely keep up. Here are a few of our favourites from October. We dressed like Germans, tried new wines, evaded evil clowns, and explored this wonderful city. Wine Republic’s new Northcote store…

Running of the Weiners

You may have heard rumours that recently Hophaus held a dachshund race to celebrate Oktoberfest. I am here to tell you that yes, this is absolutely correct. And I was there, front and centre to watch those little sausage legs dash…

Oktoberfest At Birrarung Mar

I have a lot of German friends who normally scoff at the thought of an Oktoberfest party outside of Germany. Melbourne had its fair share this year with the big three (Hofbrauhaus, Munich Brauhaus and Hophaus) all running a stream…