Mother’s Day is always a toughie. Do you take your Mum to high tea? Brunch? What else do mums love? One year I got my mother the Pulp Fiction soundtrack, but I realise that’s not something most mums would appreciate. Enter T2 Tea with their delightful new Mother’s Day collection.
I love T2 and their beautiful Collingwood headquarters. I’m still making chai I got at the chai championship last year. And I love telling tea-loving friends details that I learned at T2’s summer tea festival and tea tasting journey. No wonder, then, that I was delighted to take a tea fan + photographer pal to a preview event of their Mother’s Day line.
Presented for our photographing pleasure were all the wares for Mother’s Day 2016. So much to see and drool over! Piled high on tables in a special viewing room were mounds of boxes of tea, of cups, of saucers, of divine little teapots. The line that popped out to me the most was Marigold Magic. Bright, funky patterns are sure to put a smile on any face during a daily cuppa. Hello, how can you go wrong when the teapots have tassels?
We bloggers and journalists snapped away, but we also got to samples some of the special teas. Peace Love & Peppermint has — you guessed it — a lot of mint. But the underlying notes are chamomile and lavender. (Perfect for calming Mum after a long day.) Smokey Signals, a spiced black tea, has notes of cinnamon. My favourite? Hippy Sippy Citrus. A fruit tisane rather than a tea, it has notes of strawberry. It smells even better than it tastes. Add to that little biscuits made with tea (no joke!), and you have yourself a lovely experience.
I left with some T2 products. Since my mum lives overseas, it’s okay to keep them for myself, right? The rest of you with mums in Melbourne are fortunate enough to be able to give her gifts in person, be it tea or otherwise. Enjoy your time with your mother, grandmother, auntie, or mother-type figure this year!
– Theresa
Co-founder of The Plus Ones, Theresa has never met a tea she didn’t like. (Except pu’erh.)
Buying a T2 Mother’s Day item for your mum? Get free gift wrapping and free delivery for Mother’s Day on on 8 May 2016.