Tag: Bella Union

Best of August: What to see, eat, drink, and do

August is here! We can begin the countdown to spring. That does not mean you need to be any less busy though so we’ve pulled together our top picks for what you need to be doing this month. And let…

SBS Eurovision

Bella Union & Eurovision: a match made in heaven

I fell in love with Eurovision after a Bella Union experience three years ago. The song contest has been building its profile in Australia ever since Australia somehow weaselled its way into it a few years back. Why are we there?…

Rugcutters Swing & Jazz Parties at Bella Union

My first foray into swing dancing was during the Melbourne International Jazz Festival which was an event of epic proportions. As with most things dance-related for me, I soon forgot about the fun to be had and settled back into my…

Christ Almighty! at Bella Union

If feelgood laughter about the birth of the Saviour is what you seek at this time of Yule, pop in to see ‘Christ Almighty!’. These eight twisted Nativity tales have it in spades. Think Monty Python but with a very Antipodean…