Category: sports

Lola Berry’s Happy Place preview and launch

Lola Berry just launched her new holistic juice bar Happy Place in the South Melbourne Market. Two of The Plus Ones’ writers went along for her preview and official launch and got a little more happiness in their lives. Lola Berry’s Happy Place…

Flow After Dark Silent Disco Yoga

I don’t normally wear makeup to yoga, obviously. But getting to attend Flow Athletic’s Glow in the Dark Silent Yoga Disco called for a bit of effort. Armed with a yoga mat and a passable downward dog, I headed to Melbourne Town…

Archery Attack Melbourne

Archery Attack. The name says a little bit, but not everything. Would there be commando roles? Traps? Games? Would we lose an eye? The arena which I want to dub the ‘Hunger Games Arena’ is located in Reservoir in a gleaming new…

les mills the trip

Immersive fitness: The exercise movement of the future?

‘Some riders may experience altered spacial awareness’. This warning might be enough to make some people reconsider participating in this particular exercise class. Not me. I was intrigued. The last time I took a class which involved spinning madly on a…

Health and Fitness Expo VIP Preview

There are two things I try to avoid at all times – being awake before 9am, and exercise. So it was pretty exiting to get up before the sun rose, head into the city for the Health and Fitness Expo VIP…

The Color Run Night Melbourne – lighting the darkness

It was a cold and dark Saturday afternoon in Melbourne when I journeyed on the free tram (included in our ticket price) to the Color Run Night Melbourne. No, I am not like most other people who consider running a…

The Urquhart Cup polo match

I must admit I didn’t know what to expect when invited to attend the Urquhart Cup, a country polo tournament. (I put the emphasis on the word ‘country’ because that was what was stressed over the phone when I enquired…

Circus Oz: front splits – 3 minutes – go!

Have you ever wanted to run away and join the circus? It’s not too late! But perhaps you should try a few circus skills classes before you pack your bags. Circus Oz offers a range of courses in all things circus-y,…

Land Rover’s Polo in the City

‘Polo could be my new favourite thing,’ my plus one said at the end of our day at Polo in the City. I have to agree. It has all the ingredients for the perfect outing: a day in the open air…

Charli and Theresa take over Oaks Day

After Theresa and I enjoyed the frivolities and privileges of the Melbourne Cup Birdcage, we decided for round two we would attend Crown Oaks Day – or as it soon became, Soaks Day. Waking up to miserable weather, I half-heartedly…