Author Archives: Ruki D.

Atta – Port Melbourne’s Modern Indian

Atta, Melbourne’s newest Indian restaurant is located right at the end of the South Melbourne Beach number 1 tram line. The brain child of Brij and Harry, Atta seeks to create a ‘fun fine dining’ experience by maintaining elements of…

Client Liaison: A Foreign Affair

My first experience of the phenomenon that is Client Liaison occurred at Melbourne’s St Kilda Festival Sunday in 2016. I had never heard of them and was a little disappointed that a ‘no-name’ band was headlining. Bouncing onto stage in…

Supersense Festival: Spiritualized

I had my first taste of the Melbourne Arts Centre’s Supersense festival back in 2015. Almost two years to the date, I had the pleasure of being a part of the ‘festival of ecstatic’ once again. Supersense is a biennial…

NGV Friday Nights Melbourne

NGV Friday Nights: Winter 2017 with Van Gogh

The National Gallery of Victoria’s Friday Nights are a huge highlight of Melbourne’s cultural scene. The sessions are a favourite of the Friday knock-off crowd and for good reason. Bands, drinks and access to all of the ground level exhibitions —…

Sheraton Hotel Melbourne Parisian High Tea

The Sheraton’s Parisian High Tea

Fancy being fancy? What better way to do this than at the top end of Melbourne’s Collins Street? Colloquially known as the ‘Paris’ end of town, you can now indulge in a Parisian High Tea at The Sheraton. This high…

Queen Victoria Winter Night Market Melbourne

Queen Victoria Winter Night Market returns

Melburnians love their markets, and the Queen Vic is the market to rule them all. On the back of the immensely popular Summer Night Market series, the Queen Victoria Winter Night Market is set to launch on 7 June. Every…

The Alley – Melbourne’s New Vegan Eatery

I live with two vegan chefs and know just how delicious vegan food is. While Melbourne is a hotbed of delicious vegetarian goodness, vegan restaurants can be much harder to find. As such, I gladly accepted The Plus Ones’ invite for…

Heart of Victoria dinner with the RASV

To celebrate Victoria’s agricultural producers, the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) along with Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) presented Heart of Victoria. The gala dinner is a premier event on the Victorian agricultural calendar and brings together the agricultural community…

A Progressive Dinner Through The Golden Kingdom

We’re all about experiences at The Plus Ones. What better way to explore a selection of Melbourne’s culinary scene than a progressive dinner? On a chilly Melbourne eve a hardy band of journalists wandered through the Hutong Group’s three prime Melbourne…

Stonnington Jazz Festival: We Got The Jazz

The Stonnington Jazz festival is a favourite at The Plus Ones. We love its mix of local Australian jazz and innovative programming. This year the festival is held from 11-21 May across the City of Stonnington’s suburbs. With dozens of…