Wanna play fast and loose? Looking to score? Or need a place you can roll up to with a crew? Ballers Clubhouse has reopened its doors in Melbourne’s CBD after Lockdown 3.0. The large multi-level venue is serving up drinks and games including darts, shuffle board, and table tennis with enough space to accommodate a crowd. The venue covers 2500sqm and claims the title of the biggest licensed venue in Melbourne’s CBD. There are 75 taps across the venue fueling the activities, with a main bar set up for speed with approachable beers, wine, and ‘spresso martinis on tap. When we paid a visit on Saturday night, the staff did their best to sling drinks as fast as they could to the thirsty weekend crowd lining up.
Some of the games will keep score, like the electronic dart board, and others allow you to play fast and loose with the rules (pretty sure we made up our own scoring system for midnight table tennis). Whilst some skill might make you the VIP team player, you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy whacking some pucks down a smooth shuffleboard. On the night we attended, the crowd seemed to be ‘looking to score’ in more than one way, and were rocking Ballers’ dress code of ‘smart, casual with a touch of bling.’ Although it’s currently it’s much better suited for socialising with friends, co-workers, or dates (and not mixing and mingling with the other guests).
A trip upstairs proved a little more laid back and less crowded with shuffle board, deck chairs, and a cruisy poolside vibe. Our journey also led to the discovery of an outdoor patio and kitsch VIP room with chandeliers and pink ping-pong balls suspended from the ceiling — just one of the many rooms available for hire.
We recommend making liberal use of the hand sani, as some of the games involved sharing game pieces within our group (ex. sets of darts). And, of course, remember to follow all covid safety advice, which currently includes checking in and wearing a mask indoors when you’re not eating or drinking.
– Jenny
Jenny S. is an event adventurer who is spending her time sampling craft beers, sipping creative cocktails, and dreaming about using her passport to travel internationally (and not just when she’s crossing the Yarra).
Ballers Clubhouse is now open. Bookings currently required during covid restrictions.
Ballers Clubhouse
2 Coverlid Place
Melbourne VIC 3000