Comedy Festival: Frank Woodley – Extra Ordinary

Just when you think summer is gone and mid March brings those cold nights in, the Comedy Festival guide is released and it’s all smiles again. For my first show of the season, it’s Frank Woodley at the Melbourne Town Hall.

I must admit the name still brings memories of late night laughs growing up with his partner in crime Lano, bringing their classic slapstick shenanigans to the tv. Now I finally got up close and personal with Frank as he let his innermost secret out of the bag. Sorry, but you will just have to see the show to find out what it is.

Frank has this weird ability to make you feel nervous for him and completely at ease at the same time. The way he awkwardly contorts and moves his body across the stage while gaining self deprecating laughs from the audience works, and has them eating out of his hands.

The show mostly draws upon ridiculous observations he has made of his life that are, at the same time, very relatable, allowing for a bond to form quite quickly. You end up being transfixed on this funny man.

Maybe it’s his years of being on prime time tv, but Frank has the killer ability to present multi-layered laughs that hide inappropriate comedy (my favourite kind) behind family-friendly beginnings. For example, a school cricket match making fun of bowling styles ending in his first gay sex experience.

Frank’s show runs until the end of the Comedy Festival. Make sure you get a chance to see one of Australia’s greatest performers in action.

– Brenton
Brenton Spink is a social Melburnian who loves a good feed, drink, dance, and other related shenanigans. Find him on Twitter at @SoSpinky.

Frank Woodley – Extra Ordinary runs 24 March to 17 April at the Melbourne Town Hall. The venue is accessible.

Check out our guide to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for more great shows.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Token.