‘A Star is Bored‘ is Melbourne singer, actor, and general showoff Nick Eynaud’s premiere solo show. Over the course of an intimate hour Eynaud shares his first world problems (in musical form), struggles with the boredom of living in Reservoir and ambitions to become Australia’s new D-List super star. The show mixes original songs with classic show tunes and pop hits, The Little Mermaid paraphernalia, his mum and a hilarious short film.
‘A Star is Bored’ shows you the dark and depraved steps taken to become a ‘famous’ D-List star. With tongue planted firmly in cheek and featuring comedic musical parodies, A Star is Bored lampoons reality TV shows as diverse as My Strange Addiction, Masterchef and Toddlers and Tiaras. We particularly loved tales of his first world problem addiction to Foxtel and Netflix. This show does not take itself too seriously and will be very relatable for anyone who’s studied arts or gone through an after university slump. There is never a dull moment as Eynaud struts, poses and bend and snaps his way across the stage to live piano accompaniment.
Over-indulgent, sassy, fast paced and always laugh out loud funny – ‘A Star is Bored’ is well worth seeing at this year’s Melbourne Fringe.
Tomas Zagoda is a filmmaker, writer, coffee addict and tall person who does not play basketball. You can follow him @TomasZagoda
‘A Star is Bored‘ runs 18 September – 3 October at The Butterfly Club.
The venue is not accessible.