Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2018: Danny McGinlay – Premiership Hangover

Danny McGinlay is known to many as the banner writer for the Western Bulldogs during the year they won the premiership, but this is just one of the many hats he wears. He is a passionate Dogs supporter, a warm up guy for a variety of TV shows, and at the 2018 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, he showcases his ability for standup comedy.

Whilst his show is titled Premiership Hangover, talk of the Western Bulldogs’ premiership, and even football generally, is a very small part of the show. Instead the audience is treated to many stories about his wife, his children, his father, and various other anecdotes from his life.

McGinlay has a fabulous knack for mimicking accents, a skill he utilizes during his jokes to maximise the laughs. We get everything from his Scottish father, his Ukrainian wife, and even the Argentinian pope. Surprisingly McGinlay has a strong knowledge of Catholicism and this forms the basis for many of his jokes. He tells how Jesus too has suffered from a premiership hangover, one only needs to compare his first and second miracles to realise that the second miracle didn’t come close to the first!

McGinlay spends a lot of his show interacting with the audience, a skill that truly showcases the standup comedian’s abilities. He does it with ease, improvising as required and generating laughs a plenty. Premiership Hangover is a show for everyone regardless of your passion for football. There are many laughs to be had, and McGinlay certainly keeps the crowd laughing all the way through.

– Moni
Moni is married to a Richmond supporter and is worried she may be dealing with someone who will suffer from a premiership hangover.

Danny McGinlay – Premiership Hangover runs from 10 April to 22 April 2018 (50mins) at The European Bier Cafe. Purchase tickets now.

Read our guide to the top shows, and all of our 2018 MICF coverage.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were guests of MICF and Hatching Communications.
Image credit: MICF.