Melbourne Fringe: ‘A Prudent Man’

A Prudent Man needs no hand-outs to succeed, only sheer determination and a silver spoon.

This black comedy, written and directed by Katy Warner, is about a man that could be any battling politician in Australia. Warner foreshadows that this play is not about ‘one man, one woman, or one moment’, but many. The combination of fact and fiction lies at the heart of the piece. It’s what makes it so topical, so conversational.

I left the theatre discussing who this prudent man is. He embodies Hockey, has definite traits of Costello, spouts Turnbull’s catch-cries, and possesses all but the budgie-smugglers of Abbott. He is a Prime Minister, who knows best, who is protecting our culture and reminding us of common sense. He is not the enemy and you are either with him or you are against him.

Lyall Brooks is an incredible actor who has the charismatic smile of a politician down pat. Like all good politicians, his speeches are a little too well polished. Warner’s script mimics a campaign stump speech from start to finish. Every time Brooks opens his mouth, it’s a new metaphor, a new campaign slogan and a new story to tug on the heartstrings of the General Public (GP). However, like most politicians, the longer he talks, the less sense he makes. He mixes his metaphors, becomes confused, stutters, and shouts profanities. His cracking façade is owed to what we thought was an interview is actually a police interrogation. And perhaps a pile of seaweed is not as it first appears…

– Amber
Amber Bock is a freelance stage manager who is excited to keep you up to date with Melbourne’s best theatre

With a run until the 1 October 2016 you will be kicking yourself if you miss this engaging show. Catch A Prudent Man at the Fringe Hub: The Rehearsal Room.

For more Melbourne Fringe 2016, check out our guide and all our reviews.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of A Prudent Man.
Image credit: Melbourne Fringe.