Melbourne Fringe: ‘Salvation Amy’

It’s that time of year again peeps – Melbourne Fringe is upon us! So many events to choose from and so little time. Luckily this time around good old marketing helped me pick when I was roaming the streets of Brunswick in search of the perfect brunch spot and a ‘Salvation Amy’ poster caught my eye. Quirky cabaret with a hint of burlesque? Sign me up!

Amy Bodossian greets her audience from her intimate ‘Loft’ stage at the Lithuanian Club in North Melbourne: the perfect setting for the kind of one-woman show we are about to see. Dressed in a skimpy sequin dress and surrounded by big op-shop bags, Amy first up acknowledges her obsessive compulsive disorder: a rather monumental obstacle in those days when she had to sift through urine soaked garments at her day job with the Salvation Army. Said items of clothing become the thread used to create an autobiographical journey through Bodassian’s life.

Accompanied by keyboard and guitar, Amy sings, crawls and moans us through all those highs and lows that life has thrown in her path: Love, rejection, alcoholism, obsession, adulterous plastic surgeons from Toorak… all with a decent lashing of eroticism and a considered hint of madness.

It is hard to resist Amy’s charms. One thing I always find helps me overcome that potential awkwardness in one-man/woman comedy shows is when the artist is seasoned and confident. From the moment I walked into the room I could tell that Bodossian has stage confidence in spades; she put me right at ease. I related to her in a number of ways and recognised friends and personal anecdotes in many of her stories and songs.

Musically this was a real treat. Amy’s original pieces are melodic, they are poetic and wonderfully rude (this show is 18+, just FYI). The audience laughs but is also genuinely touched when Amy opens right up and exposes her vulnerabilities. Amy is pure authenticity and not afraid to be laid bare.

The good news is that the show runs until the 23rd of September: plenty of time to go and be scandalised by Amy’s growing pains. 

– Claudia
Claudia B. is a German/Kiwi graphic designer and illustrator who has been living and working in Melbourne for the last four years. She enjoys a good glass of whiskey and the occasional pole dancing class.

Salvation Amy‘ is showing until 23 September 2016 at the Fringe Hub: Lithuanian Club – The Loft.

For more Melbourne Fringe 2016, check out our guide and all our reviews.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Salvation Amy.
Imagre credit: Melbourne Fringe.