Fully Booked Ladies Cocktail Night

Are you a female working in the food industry or just a foodie? Want to meet other gastronomically inclined, successful females over cocktails? I have the perfect event for you!

Fully Booked is a social community for women in the food and wine industry. They run regular events that aim to encourage and support engagement, connection and collaboration between the talented up-and-comers and wise female warriors.

Chef Maria Kabal

Chef Maria Kabal

I was lucky enough to attend the latest event at Romeo Lane – one of my favourite cocktail bars in the city. I entered not knowing what to expect, and was instantly greeted with a cocktail and five friendly ladies eager to meet me. The room was bustling with chatter and engaging conversation as chefs, food writers, photographers, and start up entrepreneurs mingled. The business girl in me enjoyed learning about their jobs and what it was like to work in one of the top food cities in the world.

After a good dose of networking and cocktail, Felicity Watson, a personal branding and colour consultant, gave an intriguing and inspiring presentation. Her words of wisdom?

  • Getting your personal brand right is key to influencing people. First impressions take seconds to create, yet up to 6 months to change, so make sure your first impression is a true representation of who you are!
  • The colours you wear can influence what people think of you. Wear less black (it’s not a very approachable colour). Wearing yellow makes you appear friendly; try orange, lime green, or red to stand out in a crowd and look approachable.

See you later, I am off to buy a yellow outfit!

Felicity told us about her transformation from sucking at making good first impressions to creating a powerful presence when first meeting someone. Something that most of us can work on!

Ember is an American turned Aussie. Her love affair with Melbourne goes back four years, and she still can’t get enough of this city! Discovering new hideouts and hidden gems around Melbourne is her hobby. Marketing Strategist by day, spontaneous adventurer, brekky enthusiast, and aerial acrobat by night.

Fully Booked was a unique and enlightening experience that I would love to have again. The events happen every few months and you can find more information about them on their website

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Fully Booked.
Photo Credit: Sharlee Gibb.