‘Every Brilliant Thing’ at The Malthouse Theatre

‘Every Brilliant Thing’ is…. brilliant. My plus one and I were so pleased to attend the opening night performance at the Malthouse Theatre.

Jonny Donahoe spins tragedy into comedy and reminds us of the simple things that make life worth living. As a young child dealing with his mother’s attempted suicide, he started a list of “every brilliant thing.” It’s a list that’s easily relatable – spaghetti bolognese, fresh cut grass, and staying up past your bedtime to watch TV (among about a million other things.)

The one man show is personal and unpretentious. The tone is conversational – performed on a bare stage with the house lights up and a lot of warm hearted audience participation. Donahoe took us through a life story with childhood questions, school counsellors, first love, and lost love.

The script is simple and touching. Despite the through-line of sadness, there is also an overarching sense of joy. I cheerfully recommend this comedy about depression to brighten up your autumn.

– Jenny
Jenny S. is an event addict. She has participated in arts festivals on three different continents (plus a couple of islands).

Every Brilliant Thing‘ runs through 20 March at the Malthouse Theatre, 113 Sturt Street Southbank VIC 3006. The venue is accessible.

The production also reaches out to those that may be struggling with mental illness and thoughts of self-harm. For support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24/7). Further resources are also available at lifeline.org.au. For more information about mental illness, contact beyondblue on 1300 224 636, go to beyondblue.org.au or talk to your GP, local health professional or someone you trust.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Miranda Brown Publicity.
Photo credit: Michaela Bodlovic.