Post Secret the Show opened on Tuesday May 3 in Toronto, and it was every bit as emotional and thought-provoking as anticipated.
For those like myself, who were unfamiliar with the project until recently, I was blown away by the power of pure honesty and rawness that these deep, personal, sometimes dark, sometimes joyful secrets that were curated and brought to life in a public forum. The Post Secret blog has been around for more than 10 years, dating pre-social media, so the act of mailing a post card with a handwritten secret that is tangible amplifies the words a few decibels more than a email would.
How on earth does a blog, made up of real life curated secrets, become a live stage show? Well. Three actors, a musician, visual and auditory effects combine to string together a series of themes that seem to emerge as common secrets throughout the world. We aren’t all that different from one another, and basically, it would be challenging to find an element of Post Secret that you could not relate to.
The heartbeat behind Post Secret is the collective humanity that keeps us all connected and reminds us that we are never really alone, that we needn’t suffer in silence, that there is someone out there who will always relate to our sorrows and victories. Always.
Post Secret the Show is performed at the Panasonic Theatre til May 8. Take your mum and don’t forget the Kleenex.