Ever wondered how ‘onions’ got their name? Or what toys talk about when no one is playing with them? The Forest explores 11 mini stories, some of which most of us will recognise as fables from when we were young, depicted in a theatrical and musical ensemble. Tinged with some cheeky adult content, the show was incredibly well-rounded, delightful and in some parts eerie.
It starts with a young boy who is lost in the woods, who disturbs a house of cards and awakens a ghoul he is forced to make a pact with. The theatrical journey has a small interactive element, and the intimate space easily makes you feel like part of the show. Delivered by a cast with magnificent improv skills, synchronicity and comedic talents, the entire show was on point all the way.
If you want a bit of Halloween in May go see The Forest. You won’t be disappointed by its brilliance, kook and elements of surprise. There is also some beautiful art to be enjoyed and purchased. The Forest is playing at The Storefront Theatre til May 8.