Piku is a comedy that explores the dynamic relationship between a self-obsessed daughter, also named Piku (Deepika Padukone), and a suspected hypochondriac father played by renowned Indian actor, Amitabh Bachchan. Both characters struggle to find a way to make their family home function, as both father and daughter are equally stubborn and single minded. With these traits come endless amounts of comical arguments, never really being resolved, and always laying the foundations for the next confrontation. These disagreements are exacerbated as the dysfunctional pair embarks on a road trip to Calcutta.
The film’s director, Shoojit Sircar, has beautifully presented a middle class side of India that audiences rarely get to see. This film would be a great case study for those who long to gain an insight into the many areas of Indian culture.
Piku is released worldwide on May 8th.
– Ruby
Ruby Frost is a PR student who has a thing or two to say about the latest and greatest. Twitter: @frost_ruby
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