Tony Singh and Michael Smith at Tigerlily Edinburgh


2015-12-01 21.30.14 (1)

In the glittering, newly refurbished surroundings of Edinburgh’s Tigerlily we dined in style with a 6 course tasting menu from top chefs Tony Singh and Michael Smith of BBC Great British Menu fame.

We were welcomed with a glass of fizz and the company of these 2 great chefs who were happily to chat, laugh and wade there way through a stacked table of their books to sign!

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The room was set in long tables and we were invited to get to know our neighbours and as the booze flowed, we all bonded over a love 0f food.  Mr Singh and Mr Smith are wonderful hosts, wandering up and down the tables, explaining the inspiration for the food, cracking jokes and happily taking a seat at the tables and getting to know everyone.
The food was splendid, a perfect blend of West Coast ingredients with Singh’s signature spices.  Highlights were the melting lamb with soft spices and the achingly addictive chocolate and chilli tart.  Coupled with a super wine collection offered by Tigerlily and for me a splendid gin martini, I was transported from a cold winter’s evening in Edinburgh to the warmth that only good food and drink will provide.

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I would certainly recommend keeping an eye out for other events at Tigerlily – rumour has is it this was the venue for George’s Clooney’s lunch time dining on his recent visit.  If that isn’t a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is!

Tigerlily | 125 George Street Edinburgh

Tony Singh

Michael Smith

Jane Pendry is The Plus One’s Director in Edinburgh.  She is borderline obsessive about good food and yoga.  After a year galavanting around the world, she has returned to her home town to pursue her passions for exciting events, food and writing.