Audi Festival of German Films: What To Do

Willkommen in Deutschland! Welcome to Germany! For 16 days, Melbourne gets a little piece of the Germanic world, with 60+ German-language films vying for attention. From live caberet bands celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, to Q&A sessions with…

Final Cut film night

I was lazing at the beach when my buddy mentioned an event that evening. “Free short films,” he said. Okay, I’m interested. “Door prizes.” I’m listening. “And free drinks and food.” Let’s hop on a tram! I really enjoy short films,…

Port Phillip Mussel Festival

A Mussel Festival, I hear you say. Easier to explain when it’s written — the number of people who said ‘but you’re kinda scrawny’ when I explained what I was doing… The invite highlighted the event as a seafood street…

Cajun dance workshops

Who wants to learn Cajun dancing? We do! Ruki and I wrangled up some friends on Monday night and hightailed it down to The Testing Grounds for some live music and dance lessons. It was a perfect random Melbourne night….

The Plus Ones’ Guide to Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival

Paris. London. New York. Milan. And…Melbourne.Just because we’re on the opposite side of the planet to the fashion capitals doesn’t mean we can’t put on a world-class Fashion Week. Re-launched and re-vamped this year as the Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion…

Aviation Airshow

The Centenary of Military Aviation Airshow was held at Point Cook on 1-2 March. I came across the Airshow on a drive to the Great Ocean Road on one of those understated, flashing orange, portable, road-side freeway signs. It couldn’t…

Zhou Zhou bar launch

“I’m going to bar launch,” I posted on Facebook, en route to Zhou Zhou. “I’m going to a bar launch, bar launch, bar launch. / Let’s start a nuclear war…at the bar launch, bar launch, bar launch.” (That’s to the…

What To Do At Moomba

The annual Moomba festival is back! The festival was first held to mark the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Melbourne in 1954. I’m not sure she has ever been back to festival but is now moving into its 60th…

Melbourne BeerFest

There are a number of beer festivals around town these days: Ballarat, Geelong, Great Australian Beer Spectapular, Good Beer Week. And I’ve been to most of them. Somehow, though I have never been to the Melbourne BeerFest. I hadn’t even heard…

Burns Night: whisky, poetry, and haggis

Bagpipes, whisky, haggis, tartan, ceilidh dancing, and poetry recited in broad Scots accents. What’s not to love about Burns Night? Burns Suppers/Nights have held around the world since 1802, commemorating the life and times of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet…