Author Archives: Ruki D.

Melbourne Fringe Review: Dan Pavatich’s Big Strong Boy

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 There is a absolute appreciation in my books for somebody who is naturally skilful as a storyteller. Somebody who is able to weave tales of truthful encounters…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Death Party

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 Death. A topic with an abundance of artistic opportunities. From the very moment the audience is invited into the intimate space of the Parlour Room, there is…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Of Mice & Men

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 Of Mice & Men was required reading at my high school. I must admit I haven’t read or even thought about it since. Curiosity at viewing a stage…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Minnie & Mona Play Dead

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 Minnie & Mona Play Dead is a tight, focused and fierce little black comedy-drama that blends autobiography and fiction and quite a bit more in its ~50…

Melbourne Fringe Review: We May Have To Choose

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 We May Have To Choose is unlike anything else you’ll see at fringe this year. Warm, funny, and surprisingly ernest, I found myself immersed in Emma Hall’s experimental…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Oliver Downes—At the End

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 If you’re looking for a relaxed and intimate night of storytelling through song, Oliver Downes – At the End is a great place to start your tour…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Gorilla, Lovely Gorilla

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 We all have stories unfold around us in our lives, either through what we experience or what we observe. Sometimes, with a little bit of creative thinking,…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Impromptunes

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 Improv with puppets. What’s not to like? Better yet you can come back day after day because no two performance are the same. If you’re familiar with…

Melbourne Fringe Review: Lost In The Looping Glass

Make sure to check out our guide to the Melbourne Fringe Festival 2015 Helen Bower is a one woman orchestra, who uses her violin to create an incredible ambiance and striking melodies. Her fringe performance is at Scratch Warehouse, an open plan…