The Plus Ones’ focus is on authentic reviews of events and experiences we’ve actually been to and had. We tell you how great it was so that you can go.
Email us at melbourne[at]theplusones.com.
Our Story:
The Plus Ones love telling you about events. It’s a natural urge — they can’t help themselves. After several years of creating events and mentioning every happening in town to their friends, Theresa and Rukmal realised that there must be something to this. They combed through their respective calendars and realised that they’d been to a combined 400 events per year for several years!
‘Let’s just make a calendar and send our friends to it so they quit asking us what to do.’ The Plus Ones was born! After a very brief period of time, event organisers started inviting The Plus Ones to their events. Holy crap, the site was paying for their social lives. What a deal! But what more could The Plus Ones do? They could write event reviews and guides. Then people started reading The Plus Ones’ articles and recommendations — lots of people.
Things have changed a lot since the early days. The one thing that hasn’t is The Plus Ones’ sense of FOMO. Now with a small army of journalists and keen event-goers throughout Melbourne, we help event organisers and brands all over town.
Join our community on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Meetup, and sign up to become a VIP. Come to events and make sure you say hi — we always love to meet our followers. And if you ever find events that we’re not across, tell us. There’s nothing we love more than showcasing a great event.
The Plus Ones Melbourne team:
On any given day our talented group of regular writers are spread across Melbourne covering this city’s best events.
- Ara Sarafian is a writer and editor. He’s been published in The Lifted Brow, The Conversation, and The Big Smoke. He works as an online editor for the ABC and studies Professional Writing and Editing at RMIT.
- Amber Bock, a recent graduate of Performing Arts at Monash University hopes you enjoy her review as much as she enjoys writing.
- Brenton Spink is a social Melburnian who loves a good feed, drink, dance, and other related shenanigans. Find him on Twitter at @SoSpinky.
- Charli W. is a creative writer, food lover, and Harry Potter aficionada in her last year of a History degree. She is sure she will find a way combine these things one day, to great success. If not, she’ll pack up and become a bartender somewhere in the Caribbean with a fabulous year-round tan.
- Christian G. is an international man of mystery, book and cat lover; moonlighting as a finance professional by day.
- Claire Henderson is a passionate lover of food, fashion, and all things fun and fabulous.
- Claudia B. is a German/Kiwi graphic designer and illustrator who has been living and working in Melbourne for the last four years. She enjoys a good glass of whiskey and the occasional pole dancing class.
- Collette S. is currently training for the Melbourne marathon and when she is not doing countless laps around Princes Park, she spends her time sewing up a storm for her Melbourne-made and sustainable maternity wear label AYLA Maternity.
- Corey M. Glamuzina is a Melbourne-based performer and writer with an avid involvement in the art of theatre and film.
- Ember is an American turned Aussie. Her love affair with Melbourne goes back three years, and she still can’t get enough of this city! Discovering new hideouts and hidden gems around Melbourne is her hobby. Marketing Strategist by day, spontaneous adventurer, brekky enthusiast and aerial acrobat by night.
- Emma Hardy is an avid reader, writer, and teller of tall tales. Her hobbies include petting dogs and sipping red wine; ideally at the same time.
- Erwan B. is a French/Australian video editor but mostly waiter, avid reader, and wanna-be writer who tends to go out too much for his own good. As a French person, he does walk around with croissants and baguettes.
- Jasmin Ashton is a PR student and designer from Melbourne who has a lot of feelings about pretty much everything and a need to share them. Find her at @Jasmanna.
- Jenny Schmidt is an event addict. She earned a BFA in theatre and has participated in arts festivals on three different continents (plus a couple of islands). When she’s not attending live shows, you can find her sampling the latest craft beer or sipping a classic cocktail.
- Jo Rittey is a freelance writer and French teacher caught up in the myth she can cram as much as possible into every day, devouring life like a large crème brûlée.
- Lee Gal is an Israeli tea fan who absolutely loves living in Melbourne. Follow along with her on Naturalee.
- Libby Curran is a freelance writer, craft beer nut, and lover of all things food. She can usually be found eating and drinking her way around Melbourne, or writing about any deliciousness she’s recently encountered.
- Lisa Martin is a lover of music, words and frolicking in the garden. She’s also an avid people watcher and a qualified teacher who doesn’t teach.
- Maddie Kilby is a freelance writer amongst many vocations and is the type of person who gets bored easily and likes to find herself in weird places doing weird things. You can follow her at @MadKil6.
- Matt is a mad scientist by day and beer connoisseur by night. When he’s not devouring a new set of craft beers you will find him in a dankly lit room plotting his approach at the next alcohol-related festival.
- Ruby Brown is a freelance journalist who left sunny Byron Bay for the big smoke (Melbourne) four years ago and now happily calls this cultural hub home.
- Ruby Frost is a PR student who has a thing or two to say about the latest and greatest. Twitter: @frost_ruby.
- Ruth Saxon is an arts student who is currently busy establishing her accessories label in Melbourne after moving here from Perth (all roads…). She enjoys Pavlov’ing over fashion she couldn’t possibly hope to afford and sampling all that Melbourne has to offer in food and drink (and music and art…Melbourne huh!?).
- Sarah, a Melbourne-trained dance graduate, is interested in alternative theatrical expression, community inclusion, and Shakespeare, who has a flair for quirky concepts as an aid to enlightenment via culture.
- Tali Caspi is a mildly obsessive film buff, creative writer, and urban explorer interested in all things arty, odd, and interesting. Follow her musings on Twitter @thestoryroom.
- Tom Bensley is a freelance writer in Melbourne who reviews anything he attends, watches, or reads. It’s a compulsion, really. Follow him @TomAliceBensley.
- Tomas Zagoda is a filmmaker, writer, coffee addict and tall person who does not play basketball. You can follow him @TomasZagoda.
The Plus Ones operates under a 100% disclosure policy. That means if we were invited — or even if we won tickets — we’ll always tell you.
Our logo was created by graphic designer Claudia Bergsdorf.