Tag: short films

Final Cut film night

I was lazing at the beach when my buddy mentioned an event that evening. “Free short films,” he said. Okay, I’m interested. “Door prizes.” I’m listening. “And free drinks and food.” Let’s hop on a tram! I really enjoy short films,…

Projector Bike Fridays

Projector Bike‘s concept, as I saw it, is to use non-traditional spaces and showcase short films to new audiences.  The idea is to ride to a public space and simply set up shop and watch! The night begins at around…

Tropfest – Melbourne 2013

Tropfest is the annual Australian short film festival.  It is annual, or meant to be, but we had one in February 2013 and another one on Sunday… Whatever, shorts are great, and the more the merrier I say. It was…