Gingerbread Demolition Party

What’s in a name people ask? There’s a lot in a name I say, a lot. How could anyone not want to go to something dubbed the ‘gingerbread demolition party’?

The concept is the brain child of Jeanette Cheah and Will. They started, as all good things do, with a small group of friends and it has grown into, well, a demolition party. Word had it that the first party was actually held in Will’s house. After presumably several months of finding errant gingerbread crumbs around his lounge room the team decided to up the ante.

This year the party was held in a CBD warehouse. The huge gingerbread structure was front and centre, kind of toying with event-goers who used all manner of will power to hold back prior to demolishing time. Contrary to my visions of a giant free for all tickets are raffled for the chance to be a ‘demolisher’ and then called out at around 10pm. If you’re a lucky winner (there are about 10), there’s a trove of instruments on hand to test your destructive powers: baseball bat (my preferred choice), frying pan, mallet, ninja sai etc.

Until demolishing time, everyone gets to enjoy the entertainment, socialising and general eyeing off of the giant gingerbread house. The whole event goes for a few hours and the time to the main event passes rapidly. I spent a lot of time by the crepe van, did I mention that all food is included in the sticker price?

The gingerbread house is surprisingly sturdy and undeniably delicious. It took some seriously hefty blows but bit by bit its structure gave way to the pummelling. When it finally crumbled it was a free for all as the crowd rushed in to enjoy the gingerbread goodness. There was plenty for everyone and it was oh-so-satisfying to see that house come down.

The party is fabulous value for money. The first couple of drinks and all food is included. There’s a lot of food as well. Cheese platters, chicken sliders, quiches, Luxbites and of course the crepe van. All proceeds from the bar, the raffle and the ticket price are donated to a charity, Save The Children, on this occasion.

It is a fantastic concept and we hope for many more to come!

– Rukmal

Rukmal is The Plus Ones’ Managing Director. He looks after the marketing, technology, and finance areas of TPO and loves nothing more than analysing data and optimising campaigns. Okay, perhaps building a global digital media company is a touch more interesting. While he rarely writes articles these days, preferring to leave it to our incredible staff writers, he can occasionally tap his right brain.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of Gingerbread Demolition.