Classic Edinburgh weather (glorious sun then gale force winds and torrential rain then glorious sun…) forme the back drop for the annual Foodie’s Festival trip to Edinburgh situated in the gorgeous surroundings of Inverleith Park.
The first happy hour was spent huddled from the rain indulging in some fizz in a tent appropriately named the Champagne Cave. As the rain cleared we ventured from our cave drawn to the smells of a huge barbeque filled with ribs and chicken wings. Happily satiated, a double espresso courtesy did the trick to enable me to carry on wandering and chatting with some of the many producers at the show. One of my favourites is the multi award winning Pacari who brought along their newest creations for tasting. Knowledgeable and passionate staff helped me choose the perfect accompaniment to my post dinner chocolate cravings.
Becoming a firm staple on the Fringe and Food scene, Foodies is a great place to spend an afternoon with chums lounging, eating and drinking and I will certainly be back next year to check out what they’ve got up their sleeves!
Check out where Foodies Festival are headed next and watch out for their Christmas events!
Jane Pendry is The Plus One’s Director in Edinburgh. She is borderline obsessive about good food. Having spent a year travelling she has returned to her home town to pursue her passions for exciting events, food and writing. Follow Jane at
The Plus Ones were invited as kind guests of Lanyard Media and the Foodies Festival