Tag: Sydney Harbour

West Side Story on Sydney Harbour

West Side Story Delivers Exhilarating Feast on Sydney Harbour

It could not have been a more perfect night to premier Opera Australia’s much anticipated Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour. It was a divinely picturesque setting. A theatrical hub emerged on the steps of Mrs Macquries Chair complete with a…

Sipping Espresso Martinis withTia Maria Coffee Project

Tia Maria partnered with Vittoria coffee to celebrate International Coffee Day for the Tia Maria Coffee Project. Held at the Cruise Bar in the Overseas Passenger Terminal. Tia Maria is on a mission to serve unique cocktail experiences to coffee…

Neil & Liam Finn at Twilight at Taronga

Things got a little wild on Sunday night as Neil & Liam Finn took to the stage as part of Taronga Zoo’s summer concert series. The night opened with Alex the Astronaut, fresh off the back of her #23 placement…

The Perfect Sydney Weekend

Sydney has it all: The Opera House. The Harbour Bridge. The icons are known world-wide, but what else is there to explore in the most famous city in Australia? In partnership with Expedia.com.au, The Plus Ones have designed your ultimate…

Wine Island – paradise in Sydney Harbour

There’s a magical place in Sydney Harbour. An enchanted island. It’s where wineries bring their best drops to share with the lucky few who cross the seas and stumble ashore. I speak of none other than Wine Island. Billed as…