TEDxHaymarket premiered this February with an introspective take on our modern-day existence. Through the stellar array of speakers on the night, the talks encompassed a diverse range of social facets, addressing everything from technology, the arts, identity, and more.
Alpha Cheng, a teacher, spoke in details about turning tragedy and loss into forces of change and unity.
Bill and John, founders of aMBUSH Gallery, delved deep into the world of social enterprise and combining arts and philanthropy in beautiful ways.
Michael from Nature’s Care explored the trials and experiences of bridging the gaps in the local and Asian health food markets.
Pearl Tan, a multi-hat creative and one of the 100 Women of Influence of 2016, spoke about all things film and video in the arts and diversity scene.
Rafael A Calvo, an award-winning professor at the University of Sydney and a published author, also brought his years of invaluable experience, expertise and insights in the teaching and learning space to the table, to round things off.
Watch the full event online at:
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