Category: festivals

Comedy Festival: Wil Anderson – Fire at Wil

Wil Anderson is significantly better than Madonna – cheaper, more value for money, and starting at 8:47pm, he had a much happier audience. Coming off his two shows from last year, including ‘Political Wil’, and with a constant tendency for…

Comedy Festival: Clara Cupcakes – Hot Patootie

Following up from her Golden Gibbo nominated masterpiece ‘The Merchant of Whimsy’, Clara Cupcakes returns this year with something both very different and very familiar. ‘Hot Patootie’ brings all the joy, unrestrained silliness and expert vaudeville surrealism that Clara has…

Brunswick Music Festival 2016: Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro

Trading the green and Guinness on St Patricks Day for a Japanese funk/soul/jazz band may seem like a daring decision, but one that I can safely say I do not regret. This particular night was at Howler, as part of…

Next Wave Festival 2016: The Plus Ones’ Guide

The Next Wave is an experimental festival that is unique to Melbourne, running 5 –22 May. Occurring every two years it’s almost a month of performances, dance, art installations, photography and experiences that will get you thinking. With 37 projects…

Brunswick Music Festival 2016: Sheila Kay Adams

It’s not often that you get to be in the presence of a living legend. But that’s exactly what happened at Sheila Kay Adams’ show at the Brunswick Music Festival. The Appalachian singer and storyteller showed the audience why she’s…

Brunswick Music Festival 2016: Spiro

After two nights of hectic, hectic folk music, I was looking forward to the slower storytelling ways of Spiro and their support Bush Gothic – and I wasn’t disappointed. Bush Gothic are one entity split between three bodies, that’s the only…

Brunswick Music Festival 2016: Moxie, Saoirse, and Zeon

Continuing the Brunswick Music Festival’s skill of giving a stage to all the great international acts in town, Wednesday night, also known as St Patrick’s day eve, was a night for the Irish to show what they had. And they…

Brunswick Music Festival 2016: Shooglenifty

The Brunswick Music Festival is a perfectly timed extravaganza, falling right after Port Fairy Folk Festival, and allowing the opportunity to nab all the great musos in town already. It also allows people like me, who don’t quite manage the trek…

St. Kilda Summer Jazz Festival: a weekend of hot jazz by the sea

If you haven’t made plans this weekend you’re in luck because there’s an amazing jazz festival on, the inaugural St. Kilda Jazz Festival. Many of Melbourne’s most talented jazz musicians are performing south of the river and bringing the most sensational jazz…

Festival Of Live Art: Town Hall Pass

The Festival of Live Art is Melbourne’s biennial ode to all things live art (we went two years ago!). It is taking place from 1-13 March 2016 across the North Melbourne Town Hall, St. Kilda’s Theatre Works, and the Footscray…