I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, opening nights are my favourite nights. Why? They’re always cathartic explosions of excitement that embody the best of any festival.
Melbourne Music Week was no different and rocked out Melbourne with its opening night party featuring Gypsy & The Cat + The Harpoons + Dorsal Fins. If I was just venturing into the Hub, the old Royal Women’s Hospital (corner of Swanston/Grattan in Carlton) I’d be happy enough.
The space was inspired by the team at Swell productions to reimagine how Melburnians consume live music. They decided to do this by creating a: foam cave, boiler room with wild dance parties, floating neon room, plush toy room (wall to wall stuffed toys – seriously!), streamer room and a rather eery confession room in an old toilet block.
The music ricochets off the walls the attention to detail is phenomenal. Every aspect of the space has been inspired and thought through. Make sure to check our our guide to see what else is on this week.
– Team TPO