Bernie Keith from minute one on stage is an instantly likeable, friendly chap who clearly has a unique way of bonding with all sectors of society. That’s the impression I obtained immediately as I scanned the room looking at the audience, there was a huge cross-section of diversity in the room, all laughing, which suggests the man has a certain charm which helps unite a room when performing comedy.
Or perhaps many were there to meet Liverpool FC manager Jurgen Klopp. As Bernie explains, he now gets stopped on a regular basis and asked for Mr. Klopp’s autograph, such is the likeness. The disappointment he meets with when these autograph hunters realise he isn’t who they expected is the springboard for the show, where Bernie talks about what it is like to be a middle age, single gay man and all the frustrations that come with it.
Radio is Bernies day job: He is a veteran presenter on a local BBC station in Northampton and he talks about some of his current colleagues as well as some interesting tales of legendary cock ups and gaffes working on local radio over the years. I liked his story about the start of his radio career, working hospital radio, and his inopportune choice of songs to play for the sick and the elderly to listen to.
His recollection of growing up a gay boy on a tough London housing estate made me chuckle and you sensed it instilled the strength of character which has lead him to be able to perform in the tough environs of the stand-up comedy circuit. A great routine about how the DUP could embrace gay culture was topical, relevant, and well delivered.
Bernie Keith is a warm friendly comedian who deserves a good Fringe, if you want a laid back enjoyable hour to wind down your evening’s festivities I would recommend.
Steve Heald – Writing is my passion, contact me on if you would like me to write for you.
Bernie Keith – Life Without sat nav
Edinburgh Fringe Festival