The Melbourne Color Run 2014

The idea of The Color Run is simple: to run or walk along a 5km track with designated Color Zones where you would be covered in painted dust in all the colours of the rainbow. Goofy? Sure. As a celebration of happiness and individuality however, it succeeds spectacularly.


Kicking off The Color Run 2014 in Melbourne


Getting ready for The Color Run

The Color Run in Melbourne was held on 16th November at the Flemington Racecourse. This year over 23,000 people ran the course, and not even the spotty rain was enough to dampen their spirits. I guess a bit of rain is not going to bother you when you’re about to be covered head-to-toe in a mixture of purple, orange, and yellow dust. You absolutely don’t have to be super-fit to complete this run — you can set your own pace, and both prams and wheelchairs are welcome on the course.


Getting dusted


Intrepid reporter Dan

Once you’ve completed the run there’s a good variety of food trucks available to help you stock back up on all those calories you foolishly burned during your run, so that you’ll have the energy to get back up and get dancing at the afterparty. Loud music, more colours and a big open dance floor makes it feel like a massive dance festival.


The Color Run afterparty

Going home was just as well organised as the rest of the festival, with a designated “clean-off” area where any excess dust on you was blown off by leaf blowers. All train commuters being handed plastic ponchos before boarding.


Runners enjoying finishing the race

The event was well-run and had a great fun vibe that couldn’t be spoilt by the weather. Sign up for the mailing list and keep up-to-date for the next Color Run.


Dan is a blogger living in central Melbourne. Lover of all things foodie, pop culture, science and history, and sharing all of this from in and around the heart of Melbourne.

Disclosure: The Plus Ones were invited guests of The Color Run.